quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

The Manifesto of the Luiza Mahim Collective (against special oppression) September 2007

Agradecemos pela tradução, feita pelo grupo Socialist Fight/CLQI, da Inglaterra. A versão em português está aqui no blog em:


The Luiza Mahim Collective was a collective for struggle against the sexism, racism and homophobia. It was built in Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) by militants of the internationalist Communist Collective (CCI) and independent students, after a long campaign against racism at the University. We reproduce here its founding manifesto, because it contains a Communist program to combat special oppression.

The Manifesto of the Luiza Mahim Collective

Hail the revolutionary struggle against sexism, racism and homophobia!
Worldwide, women, blacks, indigenous peoples and homosexuals make up the most oppressed of all workers. Mass unemployment, hunger, wars, ecological disasters (such as Hurricane Katrina [1] and the flooding in the baixada fluminense[2]) and other ills of capitalism attack mostly us. Capitalism needs to stimulate all kinds of prejudices and rivalries among the workers, because the disunity plays against each other. Sexism, racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, xenophobia etc. is exploited mainly in the workplace, for example, "ignoring" the value of housework and putting blacks primarily in poorly paid outsourced jobs, but also in all other social relationships
In Brazil, about half of the population comprises black people, and they receive approximately 40% less pay than white people. Women do not have guaranteed their basic rights, such as the public kindergartens, and suffer from the neoliberalism of the Lula Government, which even wants to do away with retirement. Homosexuals (gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered) have their sexuality commodified, when they are "lucky” enough to escape violence, pure and simple.
This situation has been aggravated in the current historic stage of the crisis, marked by the counter-revolution which ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. The great fights beginning in the 1960s (May 68 in France, Prague Spring, the Viet Nam Liberation etc) boosted the struggles of women, blacks and homosexuals. This led to the formation of groups like the Black Panthers and Gay Liberation Front. However the defeats of 1989-91 saw the re-emergence of everything from neo-Nazism, to fundamentalism and other such ideologies. In addition most organizations of oppressed sectors began to adapt to the system, becoming Non Government Organizations (NGOs) or became sold out by Governments.
Most of the left have never engaged with or have abandoned the discussion about these specific forms of capitalist oppression. Often these organisations said that organize these sectors was "dividing the class", or they just participated in "celebration days" as the March 8, the June 28 or November 20. For us, the result is the institutionalization of the left, its activity revolves around the parliamentary elections and trade unions, and their adaptation to the conscience of well paid layers of the working class. It is impossible to build a revolutionary left without dealing with these issues inside the class struggles.
Therefore, we built the Luiza Mahim Collective. Luiza Mahim was a black woman, leader of the Malê Revolt, a major slave revolt in Salvador, 1835.[3] Her example shows that the struggle of women, blacks and homosexuals can only be successful if it is revolutionary. We are an independent collective, with a revolutionary socialist program, with the goal to combat sexism, racism and homophobia. Anyone who agrees with our program may participate, and join this fight.
Against NGOs! NGOs are financed by the State and/or by companies, so do not have the independence to fight them.They substitute public services and promote outsourcing. Trade unions and social movements must organize the struggles of women, blacks and homosexuals
No confidence in the racist police! Against women's police units, which the State uses to criminalise workers by playing the machismo card! For the formation of self-defence in social movements against racism, violence against women and homophobia! We must remember the examples of the Black Panthers and the Stonewall uprising.
Opem admissions![4] This demand by itself makes the fight for afirmative actions at university unnecessary. The fight for quotas has been used by the Government and by opportunistic sectors of the movement as a way of avoiding abolishing the vestibular. We cannot leave this watchword for the holidays! Where the quotas already exist, we must defend them in the face of racist attacks, which deny that there is racism in Brazil.
Against outsourcing! Labor rights for all! The outsourcing is sexist and racist, because women and Blacks are the majority of workers without rights.
To eliminate unemployment: reduction of the workday for 6 hours without reduction in wages! This will allow blacks and homosexuals to get decent work, and do not remain on the sidelines as currently.
Evening courses in all universities, for working class students! Universities under control by the trade unions, feminist, black students, etc.
Against the pink market! No support for GLS companies, who profit from the discrimination.
Public Kindergartens! That the State organize the housework (washing, cooking, ironing etc), to end the dual journey of woman!
That the health and education services are geared to the sexual and racial diversity, and controlled by the workers!
Labor and Social Security Rights for the maids and housekeepers! Labor and pension rights for homosexual couples!
Free and public Contraception! That the State guarantees the abortion for poor women!
Most of these slogans are anti-capitalist. I.e., can be performed only in a socialist society. Therefore, we must be against all Governments of the bourgeoisie or in collaboration with it! The sexism, racism and homophobia can only end up in a society under a direct Government of the workers ' assemblies!

[1] Hurricane Katrina of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season was a powerful Atlantic hurricane. It is the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States. Among recorded Atlantic hurricanes, it was the sixth strongest overall. At least 1,836 people died in the actual hurricane and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane; total property damage was estimated at $81 billion (2005 USD), nearly triple the damage wrought by Hurricane Andrew in 1992
[2] February 1988 - 277 people died in flooding and landslides in the Baixada Fluminense region and in the city of Petropolis in the Sierras. In the rest of the month hundreds more died in new landslides and flooding. A hospital collapsed, killing 18 people. Damages topped 1 billion dollars.
[3] The Malê Revolt (also known as The Great Revolt) is perhaps the most significant slave rebellion in Brazil. On a Sunday during Ramadan in January 1835, in the city of Salvador da Bahia, a small group of black slaves and freedmen, inspired by Muslim teachers, rose up against the government.
[4] In order to enter university in Brazil, candidates must undergo a public open examination called "Vestibular", which usually lasts 1–2 days and takes place once a year. Vestibular consists of a long examination on high school subjects, including Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Literature, Portuguese language, and a foreign language, usually English. Since public universities are totally free of charge, competition at the Vestibular is usually fierce for a place in a public university. Recently some universities in Brazil started accepting students according to performance during school and a new entrance examination was designed by the Education Ministry and adopted by most public universities, ENEM (which stands for Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio). Both ENEM and "Vestibular" will co-exist in the future.

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